About us

Sustainability Practices

Our ambition is to create sustainable communities in Hounslow through best practice sustainability measures and maximum onsite sustainability.

Sustainable development

Examples of our ambitions around sustainability measures at Lampton Homes developments include:

  • Setting Passivhaus design standards as our minimum ambition for energy efficient design at our developments
  • Landscaping including trees, native planting and green roofs to increase onsite biodiversity
  • Nesting boxes to support local wildlife such as birds and bats
  • Access to community and green spaces to encourage health and wellbeing
  • Creating community home zones where children have access to shared play areas
  • Electric vehicle charging points at accessible spaces
  • Photovoltaic solar panels for renewable energy in the homes
  • Highly sustainable air source heat pumps to reduce carbon
  • Rainwater harvesting and sustainable urban drainage

Secure cycle storage for a variety of cycle types to promote active, carbon-free travel Creating jobs in the borough as we grow, through both direct employment with the company and through our supply chain